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  • Writer's pictureRina Shai

Keep Calm and Carry On

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

If you don’t know it yet, these words come from a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939. The poster was intended to prevent public panic in the wake of the World War II.

Right now, we have a lot of reasons to panic, too. Take the recent decision of the Supreme Court as an example, add to it the rampant inflation that turned out not to be a “transitory” one, and a sprinkle of the daily news titles, and you can go off in a full throttle panic attack mode. I tend to do it myself pretty often these days.

What would be a fast & cheap solution to it? I am not talking about therapy, neither any anxiety meds here. It’s neither fast nor cheap, unless you are on Medicare or Medicaid. I am more for some self-help stuff. Like the following:

1. Don’t read the news in the morning. Unless it’s an actionable news, for example, if there’s a hurricane or tornado warning in the area or the road closure on your regular commute way. Otherwise, you will jolt yourself not only with a cup of morning joe, but also with a ton of unnecessary information for your brain to worry about.

2. Invest in a good night sleep, it’ll pay off even if you have money problems. After all, it’s better to buy a good quality mattress that another piece of “fine garment” that will go into a rag after a couple of washing/drying cycles. Your body and brain will thank you for that.

3. Get some courage to address your money problems if you have any, and come up with some financial plan, whether by yourself or with help from a finance professional. Financial planning will help to calm your down even if you don’t have urgent money problems now – you’ll know you are somehow prepared to whatever the life would throw at you.

4. Good nutrition is very important. Junk food feels good at the moment but it doesn’t provide everything your body needs. Try not to save on food, save on everything else.

5. There are a lot of natural anxiety remedies, chose one that works for you the best, whether it’s Valerian root, CBD or just weed. Needless to say, these things do slow down your reactions a lot, so take some precautions

Now, be well and take care 😊


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